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发布日期:2019-06-04    作者:     来源:    点击:










2012-至今 福州大学石油化工学院化肥催化剂国家工程研究中心,讲师

2008-2012 福州大学化学化工学院环境化学理学博士

2006-2008 福建朝日环保科技开发有限公司,工程师

2003-2006 福州大学化学化工学院物理化学理学硕士

2001-2003 福建师范大学化学系理学学士

1998-2001 龙岩学院化学系






(1) 国家自然科学青年基金:RE2Zr2O7+δ基烧绿石结构固体电解质及其中低温NOx传感性能研究(No: 21403035)。

(2)福建省面上基金:烧绿石型RE2Zr2O7+δ固体电解质及其NOx传感性能研究,(No: 2015J01051)。


(1) Fulan Zhong, Lanqian Shi, Jiwu Zhao, Guohui Cai, Yong Zheng, Yihong Xiao, Ying Zheng, Lilong Jiang*.Pyrochlore Pr2Zr2-xMxO7+δ(M=Al, Ga, In) Solid-State Electrolytes: Defect-Mediated Oxygen Hopping Pathways and Enhanced NO2 Sensing Properties. Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2018, 270, 130–139.

(2)Fulan Zhong, Lanqian Shi, Jiwu Zhao, Guohui Cai, Yong Zheng, Yihong Xiao, and Jinlin Long*. Ce Incorporated Pyrochlore Pr2Zr2O7 Solid Electrolytes for Enhanced Mild-Temperature NO2 Sensing. Ceram. Int., 2017, 43: 11799–11806.

(3) Fulan Zhong, Huaqiang Zhuang, Quan Gu, Jinlin Long*. Structural evolution of alkaline earth metal stannates MSnO3 (M = Ca, Sr, and Ba) photocatalysts for hydrogen production. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 42474–42481.

(4) Fulan Zhong, Jiwu Zhao, Lanqian Shi, Yihong Xiao, Guohui Cai, Yong Zheng, Jinlin Long*. Alkaline-Earth Metals-Doped Pyrochlore Gd2Zr2O7 as Oxygen Conductors for Improved NO2 Sensing Performance.Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 4684.

(5) Yihong Xiao, Chufan Zhang, Xu Zhang, GuohuiCai, Yong Zheng, Ying Zheng, Fulan Zhong*, Lilong Jiang*. A Novel Highly Sensitive NO2Sensor Based on PerovskiteNa0.5+xBi0.5TiO3−δ Electrolyte. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7,4997.

(6) Yihong Xiao, Dongmei Wang, GuohuiCai, Yong Zheng. Fulan Zhong*. A GdAlO3 Perovskite Oxide Electrolyte-Based NOx Solid-State Sensor. Sci. Rep., 2016, 6, 37795.

(7) Yihong Xiao, Wanlu Zhu, GuohuiCai, Meilian Chen, Yong Zheng, Fulan Zhong, Lilong Jiang. Effects of A-site non-stoichiometry in YxInO3+δ on the catalytic performance during methane combustion.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2017, 19, 30418-30428.

(8) Fulan Zhong, Yujiao Zhong, Yihong Xiao, Guohui Cai, Kemei Wei*, Effect of Si-doping on thermal stability and diesel oxidation activity of Pt supported porous γ-Al2O3 monolithic catalyst. Catal Lett., 141, 1828-1837, 2011.

(9) Fulan Zhong, Yujiao Zhong, Yihong Xiao, Guohui Cai, Yong Zheng, Kemei Wei*,Study of Sulfur-resisting Performance and Activity of Pt/CeO2–ZrO2–La2O3 Diesel Oxidation Catalysts. Chin. J. Catal., 32 (9), 1469-1476, 2011.

(10) Fulan Zhong, Yujiao Zhong, Huanggen Yang, Yihong Xiao, Guohui Cai, Kemei Wei*, The effect of synthesis procedure on the structural characteristic, surface properties and deNOx activity of Rh/CeO2–ZrO2–La2O3 catalysts. Chin. J. Inorg. Chem., (12), 2473-2483, 2011.

(11) Fulan Zhong, Yihong Xiao, Ximing Weng, Kemei Wei*, Guohui Cai, Yong Zheng, Qi Zheng, Thermally Stable CeO2–ZrO2–La2O3 Ternary Oxides Prepared by Deposition–Precipitation as Support of Rh Catalyst for Catalytic Reduction of NO by CO. Catal Lett., 133, 125–133, 2009.

(12) Fulan Zhong, Jin Zhu, Xinsong Lin, Jianzhong Chen*, Naifeng Zhuang, Growth and Raman spectroscopic investigation of CaxGd1−xVO4 single crystals for potential Raman laser media. J. Cryst. Growth, 293, 452-457, 2006.

(13) Jin Zhu, Fulan Zhong, Naifeng Zhuang, Jianzhong Chen*, Effect of Calcium on Nd:GdVO4 single crystal. Mater. Lett., 61, 374-379, 2007.


(1) 钟富兰,王冬梅,蔡国辉,郑勇,肖益鸿. 一种中低温电流型NOx传感器用固体电解质材料及其制备. 专利号:ZL 2015 1 0195226.6.

(2) 钟富兰,赵继武,许相,章耀华,陈庆佳. 一种锥状陶瓷管并联结构的新型NOx传感器.专利号:ZL 2015 2 0178679.3



(2)获2011年度福建省优秀新产品二等奖 (排名第四)。